Report a Claim

Claims Information

Contact Louisiana Farm Bureau Insurance

Report the claim to a Farm Bureau representative using the toll free claims line: 1-866-275-7322

Log in to My Insurance to Report your claim online.

If You Have an Automobile Accident

  1. Get the license numbers of all cars involved.
  2. Report the accident to the local or state police.
  3. Get names and addresses of drivers, occupants, and witnesses.
  4. Do not discuss the accident or give any statements except to the police or your Farm Bureau insurance adjuster.

If You Experience Home or Dwelling Losses

  1. Protect your home and contents from further damage and make whatever temporary repairs you can.
  2. Prepare a detailed inventory of personal property damaged or destroyed.
  3. Obtain receipts or repair estimates for items that can be repaired.

If You Experience a Flood Loss to Your Residence

  1. Protect your home and contents from further damage.
  2. Photograph interior damage and height of interior water line
  3. Prepare a detailed inventory of personal property damaged or destroyed.
  4. Obtain receipts or repair estimates for items that can be repaired.

A flood loss can be report by going to