Claims Information
Contact Louisiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Report the claim to a Farm Bureau representative using the toll free claims line: 1-866-275-7322
Log in to My Insurance to Report your claim online.
If You Have an Automobile Accident
- Get the license numbers of all cars involved.
- Report the accident to the local or state police.
- Get names and addresses of drivers, occupants, and witnesses.
- Do not discuss the accident or give any statements except to the police or your Farm Bureau insurance adjuster.
If You Experience Home or Dwelling Losses
- Protect your home and contents from further damage and make whatever temporary repairs you can.
- Prepare a detailed inventory of personal property damaged or destroyed.
- Obtain receipts or repair estimates for items that can be repaired.
If You Experience a Flood Loss to Your Residence
- Protect your home and contents from further damage.
- Photograph interior damage and height of interior water line
- Prepare a detailed inventory of personal property damaged or destroyed.
- Obtain receipts or repair estimates for items that can be repaired.
A flood loss can be report by going to