Louisiana’s hunting seasons begins in early September, starting with archery season for deer and firearm season for doves, rails and gallinules. Are your property, trailers, firearms and ATVs properly insured? Are you covered by liability insurance?
It can be complicated to fully insure your hunting assets while also protecting yourself from legal issues should an accident occur on your property. Consequently, you may need to add endorsements to policies you already hold.
Now is the perfect time to talk to your local Louisiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent and make sure you have proper coverage.
Homeowners/Renters Insurance
Homeowners or Renters Insurance will cover your property up to a certain amount, in addition to providing a limited amount of personal liability protection. Homeowners Insurance will also cover structural damage to your home and outbuildings, based on how far the outbuildings are from the primary residence.
However, coverage for certain items, such as guns or trailers, may be limited under your homeowners insurance. If you have rare or expensive possessions, you may want to add Personal Articles insurance.
If accidents occur on your property, you can be held liable, even if those injured are trespassing. Add endorsements to your homeowners insurance to increase your liability protection if people are hunting on your land.
For valuable equipment like bush-hoggers, other endorsements are available. If you have a lot of equipment, such as tractors and trailers, you may need a Farm Equipment Insurance policy.
Farm Property Insurance
Homeowners policies may not cover all the barns, deer stands, bunkhouses, and other structures on a large parcel of land. Talk to your agent about Farm Property Insurance to cover these structures.
Farm Liability Insurance
Hosting other hunters on your land, either commercially or casually, may mean you need additional liability coverage. Check out our Farm Liability policy.
ATV Insurance
If you own an ATV, you can protect yourself in the event of an at-fault accident by purchasing an ATV Liability Policy. This coverage offers protection while you and your family are operating the ATV for activities like hunting. Additionally, you can also insure your ATV for Physical Damage Coverage. This coverage pays for repairs if your ATV is damaged in an accident or from other covered causes. Louisiana Farm Bureau Insurance offers both types of policies.