Working Together Makes It Work
October is National Crime Prevention month, a time when the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) asks citizens to pause and consider how each of us can join the effort to help ensure safe communities.
After working with local law enforcement, government agencies, civic groups, schools, businesses, and other organizations for 16 years to spread the word about crime prevention and personal safety, the NCPC has learned a lot about crime, safety, and the value of partnerships.
Based on timely crime trends, the NCPC develops themes each year to raise awareness and provide resources to address these trends at a local level. Check here for ideas.
What Do Louisianians Worry About Most?

According to a report from SafeWise in July 2020, crime rates are higher overall. Highlights of the report reveal what Louisiana residents worry about most.
- The violent crime rate of 5.4 is almost two points higher than the national rate of 3.7 incidents per 1,000 people.
- Property crime is a full 10 points above the national rate, with Louisiana reporting 32.8 incidents per 1,000, compared to 22.0 nationwide.
- Break-ins are the top concern when it comes to property crime in Louisiana—and the level of high concern is 11 points higher than the national average.
- The SafeWise 2020 State of Safety survey reveals that 35 percent of participants reported they had experienced a property crime in the past 12 months, compared to 26 percent across the country.
How Can You Get Involved?
What can citizens do to join with the supporters of National Crime Prevention Month to help build safer neighborhoods? Become a part of local people working with local officers to address local issues. Start by connecting with your local law enforcement. Have an officer speak at a neighborhood meeting to discuss local crime trends and what residents can do. You may be surprised!
Neighborhood Watch

One of the nation’s most successful tools in preventing crimes before they happen has been the National Neighborhood Watch (NNW), launched in 1972 and sponsored by the National Sheriffs Association.
Neighborhood Watch works, it says, because it unites neighbors and local law enforcement in efforts to reduce opportunities for crime to occur in the first place.
Become familiar with the benefits of Neighborhood Watch. Talk with neighbors about starting one if your community hasn’t done so yet. You could be a leader for change!
Preventing Crime Starts in Your Own Home
You can help curb crime in your community. It starts at your own front door:
- Don’t tempt thieves by leaving out lawn mowers, barbecue grills, machinery, tools, and ladders.
- Consider adding an alarm system, especially if you live alone, are away often, or have a lot of valuables.
- Keep a detailed inventory of your valuable possessions, date of purchase, original value, and serial numbers. Keep a copy in a safe place away from home. Make photographic or video records of valuable objects.
- Educate your kids on security measures to stay safe at home.
- Do not leave valuables in plain view in your car.
- Use lighting and landscaping to deter break-ins, especially motion-sensitive light.
- Keep your doors locked—even when you’re home. This includes your vehicles.
Protect Your Assets with Farm Bureau Insurance
Working together, communities and local law enforcement can actively prevent crime. Talk with your Louisiana Farm Bureau Insurance professional about more ways you can protect your home and possessions. Find an agent in your own community by using our convenient Agent Finder today.